Throughout the design process of the two hotels we have focused primarily on conveying one simple aspect, the interpretation of just what a Utopia/Dystopis is. Our goal was to create a unique environment in both hotels to which visitors can come and visit and stay and could interpret their experience of the hotel in their own way and interpret their own Utopia or Dystopia.
Much of the design was inspired by natural elements, organic and fluid elements that becomes a way of explaining our design concept. The docking platforms stationed out at sea for the lantern vehicle (as per design) emphasize a sculptural aesthetic but are designed to evolve with environment around it. The concept was that coral and barnacles, for example, could attach themselves to the exterior of the docking station, grow on it, grow around it and, essentially become apart of it to express the relationship between modern architecture and the environment itself. It is the juxtaposition of both utopic and dystopic elements. The concept was that the docking pad could also be used as a site seeing platform and that the lantern's pod or gondola could attch to some of these stations and detach from the envelope to descend to ground level.
The docking station located within the hotel based in the city reflects the fluidity of the hotels overall form and shape. The flying fox based gondola design is a free falling vehicle and so needs to be able to decelerate by design. The wire begins with a very steep angle to create increased acceleration and then a gradually ascending slope to cause deceleration. The sloping wire is more than a functional element it helps to reflect the organic nature of the building. For Waiheke island its docking area is a cavernous space inside the landscape which expresses this idea of disintegration and degradation emphasized by the staircase design in the Waiheke hotel reception building.
The design of each hotel is reflected in its individual elements; the staircase, landing pads, docking stations etc. and help to create a juxtaposition between a utopia and a dystopia themed environment.
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